President of Harvard University Larry Bacow and Adele, his wife, appeared positive for COVID-19 which he confirmed on Tuesday through a university letter.
He further added that they have been maintaining social distance since the 14th of March. As Bacow is a well-known person, it can be a severe hazard to many. Massachusetts Department of Public Health will state every person who got in contact with both of them in the last 14 days.
President of Harvard University said that they will take out time to rest during the two weeks based isolation within their house. He further stated that he has a good team with him and most of his colleagues will be having higher responsibilities in the coming five weeks.
The couple is just focusing to stay healthy at the moment. The virus can impact severely everyone.
We are required to stay vigilant and follow the guidelines by self-isolating ourselves from the people. Since yesterday, 18 people belonging to the Harvard community have appeared positive concerning the virus, in accordance with the oldest University in the world.
The initial case at this prestigious University of coronavirus appeared on the 13th of March, many days after shifting their classes into an online system.
They have also requested the students to leave campus housing. Until now, 1159 people in Massachusetts appeared positive for COVID-19 which was only 777 a day before.
Unluckily, a University with the highest financial endowment among the rest of Schools, is also known to cut off the pay of its dining hall workers, who are based on the subcontract, in response to the pandemic of the virus.
This step caused criticism from the advocates of employment rights. They are emphasizing the $40.9 billion endowments of Harvard University and claiming that the School is hardly in a financial strait.