Worldwide Sweep Targets ‘Ghost’ Cybercrime Network: 51 Arrested

global crackdown on ghost cybercrime platform results in 51 arrests global crackdown on ghost cybercrime platform results in 51 arrests

Law enforcement agencies from several countries have taken down an encrypted communication platform known as Ghost, which had become a vital resource for criminal groups involved in drug trafficking and money laundering.

Coordinated by Europol, this operation led to the arrest of 51 suspects across various nations, and more arrests are expected to follow.

Ghost was notorious for its sophisticated security features, allowing criminals to operate discreetly while planning extensive illegal activities.

The platform’s shutdown marks a major blow to international organized crime networks that depended on it for their operations.

Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, the Deputy Executive Director of Europol, referred to the operation as “a global game of cat and mouse,” stressing that this round has come to an end. The crackdown successfully dismantled the platform and disrupted numerous criminal operations.

Authorities have confiscated weapons, drugs, and over 1 million euros (approximately $1.11 million) in cash. Furthermore, the operation led to the shutdown of a drug lab in Australia and helped avert several potential public safety threats.

Catherine De Bolle, Europol’s Executive Director, underscored the significance of the operation, stating that Ghost served as “a lifeline for serious organized crime.”

She assured the public that no matter how concealed they think their activities are, criminal networks cannot escape the united efforts of international law enforcement.

This extensive operation involved collaboration from law enforcement agencies in Australia, Canada, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States.

This global teamwork highlights a shared commitment to fighting international organized crime.

As the investigation progresses, additional disruptions to illegal activities are expected, representing a significant victory in the battle against global criminal networks.

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