For many years, families have gathered during the holiday season to enjoy the charming animated adventures of Wallace & Gromit. But now, there’s exciting news: Aardman, the genius behind the beloved series and specialists in stop-motion animation, is collaborating with The Pokémon Company on an exceptional new venture set to debut in 2027.
A recent short on YouTube features two clay balls, one red and one white, merging together to form the recognizable shape of a Pokéball. As the iconic Pokémon logo appears alongside Aardman’s, the simple caption below reads, “Pokémon x Aardman. Coming in 2027!”
While the teaser is brief, it’s intriguing to note that this announcement comes a full three years ahead of time. This timing likely reflects the significant effort required for stop-motion animation. For instance, some animators dedicate an entire week to create just one minute of finished film. Given Aardman’s reputation for meticulous craftsmanship, it’s unsurprising that the studio aims for ample time to develop this special project.
Additionally, the advance notice may indicate confidence in the collaboration. Anything affiliated with the Pokémon name tends to attract significant attention and acclaim. In a press release, Taito Okiura, vice president of marketing and media at The Pokémon Company, stated, “Aardman are masters of their craft, and we have been blown away by their talent and creativity. What we have been working on together ensures our global Pokémon fans are in for a treat!”
In a similar vein, Sean Clarke, managing director of Aardman, remarked, “It’s a huge honor to be working with The Pokémon Company International — we feel sincerely privileged to be trusted with bringing their characters and world to life in a brand-new way. Combining Pokémon, the world’s biggest entertainment brand, with our passion for craft, character, and humorous storytelling is incredibly exciting.”
This isn’t Aardman’s first collaboration with a significant brand. Earlier this month, the company unveiled its recent partnership with Apple to produce some cutting-edge animation.