The Marvel Cinematic Universe is gearing up for a new era of superheroes, prominently featuring the Fantastic Four. This iconic team is poised to make their debut in the upcoming film, The Fantastic Four: First Steps. During Disney’s APAC Content Showcase in Singapore, Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios, announced that production on First Steps is nearly wrapped up. Following their introduction, Feige anticipates that this supergroup will become a significant component of the MCU, particularly in future Avengers films.
“Finally, we’re excited to bring Marvel’s First Family into the MCU,” Feige shared (via Deadline). “Filming will conclude next week, with the movie set to release next summer. After that, these characters will seamlessly transition into the next wave of Avengers films, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about the future of the Fantastic Four.”
The Fantastic Four: First Steps marks the beginning of Phase Six in the MCU, featuring Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic, Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman, Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm/Human Torch, and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm/The Thing. Directed by Matt Shakman, the film is scheduled to hit theaters on July 25, 2025.
After introducing the Fantastic Four, the spotlight will shift to the much-anticipated arrival of the X-Men. Feige expressed his excitement about regaining the rights to the X-Men, calling it a “dream.” He hinted that fans might see some familiar mutants pop up in upcoming MCU releases. This buildup is all leading to Avengers: Secret Wars, which will usher in Marvel’s mutant saga.
“I think audiences will see some X-Men characters reappear in our next films. After that, the plot of Secret Wars will truly set the stage for a new era featuring the X-Men,” Feige noted. “It’s a dream come true that we finally have the X-Men back in the fold.”
This year also marked the return of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine to the MCU with Deadpool & Wolverine. Additionally, Patrick Stewart’s Professor Charles Xavier appeared in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Kelsey Grammer’s Hank McCoy had a cameo in the post-credits of The Marvels. Furthermore, Ms. Marvel introduced Iman Vellani’s Kamala Khan as a mutant.
In May, Michael Lesslie, known for Now You See Me 3, was brought on board to write an untitled X-Men film for Marvel. While this film does not yet have a specific release date, it is expected to arrive following Avengers: Secret Wars, set for May 7, 2027.