In Captain America: Brave New World, Thaddeus Ross, portrayed by Harrison Ford, is set to not only become the President of the United States but will also undergo a dramatic transformation into a red-skinned Hulk during the film. This fiery metamorphosis has been hinted at in the film’s promotional footage, and it’s an exciting prospect for Marvel fans who have long anticipated seeing the Red Hulk make his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The upcoming confrontation between Ross and Sam Wilson, played by Anthony Mackie, promises to be a highlight of Brave New World.
In a recent chat with Empire, director Julius Onah described Ford’s portrayal as “mind-blowing,” expressing that the entire cast felt an overwhelming excitement witnessing Ford embody the character. Onah elaborated that while the Hulk has been portrayed in various ways—most notably as a more rational character in Avengers: Endgame—he found it exhilarating to return to a version of the Hulk that is raw and destructive. “It’s fantastic to have a Hulk that’s just wreaking havoc,” he remarked, referring to Ford’s Red Hulk as a “rage monster.”
The marketing for Captain America: Brave New World has prominently featured Ford’s transformation, but he admits his biggest concern was stepping into the role after the late William Hurt, the original actor for Thaddeus Ross. “I was a bit apprehensive about following in Bill Hurt’s shoes; he was an extraordinary talent,” Ford shared with Empire. “While I’m not deeply entrenched in the Marvel Universe—I tend to dwell in a different realm—I’ve enjoyed several Marvel films with remarkable actors having a blast. So, I thought, ‘Why not me?’”
Despite the high praise from Onah, Ford felt no need to overanalyze his role in Brave New World. “I aimed to grasp the filmmakers’ vision and to be of assistance,” he reflected. “I didn’t spend sleepless nights contemplating how I would portray the Hulk. It didn’t strike me as a particularly challenging acting task.”
Marvel enthusiasts will get to witness the full range of Ford’s performance as Red Hulk when Captain America: Brave New World is released in theaters on February 14, 2025.