Embracing Modern Technology Leadership
As technology leadership continues to evolve, adopting a comprehensive approach has become increasingly essential, moving beyond traditional organizational hierarchies.
“We’re witnessing a significant change where Chief Information Security Officers often operate independently from the CIO. There’s a notable increase in technology budgets managed by AI and digital officers,” Matthew emphasizes, pointing out the decentralized nature of contemporary technology governance.
The council’s framework is designed to go beyond conventional organizational structures, centering on technology practices and their resulting impact on business outcomes.
This strategy allows organizations to assess their technological capabilities and link them using Technology Business Management (TBM) methodologies, fostering a continuous feedback mechanism with business stakeholders.
“This feedback loop enables us to collaborate with the business to determine if we’re aligning with their objectives. If we are, we push forward with innovation. If not, we revisit the investment portfolio to identify avenues for improved results,” Matthew elaborates.
Execution and Assistance
The council has crafted an intricate approach to implementation, acknowledging that different organizations evolve at varying paces.
“We’ve moved away from categorizing organizations strictly as novices or advanced,” Matthew clarifies. “Instead, we concentrate on the developmental journey—providing a playbook for enhancing your capabilities and strategies for accelerating progress once you’ve laid the foundational groundwork.”
To aid this journey, the council acts as an impartial advisory entity for organizations contemplating TBM adoption.
“We encourage businesses to consult us before reaching out to vendors,” Matthew advises. “We assist in building a solid internal business case, offer insights on vendor selection, and provide guidance through framework implementation and taxonomy decisions.”
The council has brought together a varied standards committee made up of experts from diverse fields, including state government and prominent financial institutions, to ensure their frameworks are relevant and beneficial across various contexts.
They are actively working to shorten implementation timeframes by creating industry-specific taxonomies that organizations can utilize as initial frameworks.
“For example, when an insurance company engages with us, we’re able to offer pre-designed taxonomies instead of requiring them to start from scratch. They can implement these frameworks and make adjustments as needed over time,” Matthew explains.