There are three treasure maps associated with High Stakes Treasures in RDR2, and your quest for these maps kicks off when you encounter one of the Strangers. During your adventure, you will visit various locations, earning several rewards, all while progressing in your primary mission.
This guide will cover the steps needed to locate the High-Stakes Treasure Maps in Red Dead Redemption 2. Without further ado, let’s dive right in.
High Stakes Treasure Map #1 Location

Before you can pursue this map, make sure you finish Chapter 3, as the Stranger who provides this quest will not be available until then. Look for the Stranger on the path between Wallace Station and Cumber Falls, although there’s a chance you might come across him in the Heartlands as well.
Once you’ve met the Stranger and received the map, head over to Cumberland Falls to find the treasure. There is a small trail on the eastern side of the waterfall that allows you to go behind it. The map can be located above a ledge in the upper right corner of that nook.
High Stakes Treasure Map #2 Location

For this map, your destination is Barrow Lagoon, situated northwest of Valentine in the Western Grizzlies. Ensure you wear warm clothing, as you’re headed into a colder region. You’ll find a log bridge to cross, just after which the treasure map awaits.
High Stakes Treasure Map #3 Location

This map can be a bit tricky to find due to the winding path detailed in the previous map. You need to head towards Bacchus Station and then go west of the “S” in “station,” towards the large hill. Upon reaching the top, you’ll discover a path leading to a ledge. Follow this path carefully.
To avoid slipping, remember to sprint. As you round the rocks’ corner, jump and you’ll spot a ledge below. Make that jump, and upon landing, you’ll find another ledge. Jump to this one and crouch as you navigate around the corner. The treasure map will be waiting for you, along with three Gold Bars in a nearby nook, each valued at $500.