In the expansive world of LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, players face off against a challenging final boss known as the Storm King. This formidable character, a manifestation of the game’s all-consuming Storm, is notorious for being elusive and incredibly tough to defeat. The Storm King wields the powers of darkness and lightning, capable of decimating teams of unprepared players. But fear not; with the right equipment, you can plunge into the Eye of the Storm and triumph over this force of ruin.
To unlock the opportunity to battle the Storm King, you must complete several specific tasks. Notably, this boss is not located in the game’s open world like others in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey’s survival mode; instead, it resides in a separate realm. To reach the Storm King, you’ll need to activate the Tempest Gateway, which serves as a portal to his domain.
How to Locate the Storm King
Accomplish Objectives and Gather Materials
Your quest begins when you receive tasks like “Defeat the Raven” and “Power Up the Tempest Gateway.” First, you’ll need to finish all the tasks at Storm Survivor Camp to progress. These initial objectives typically involve gathering resources and crafting specific items within your Village Square, aiding in the development of your settlement.
Next, you must locate the Storm Chaser Base Camp and work through the objectives associated with it until you unlock the previously mentioned goals. As you enhance the camp, you will gain access to new items that will be invaluable in your battle against the Storm King. Additionally, completing Storm-related tasks will further enhance your character with items and rewards needed for the looming confrontation.
Another effective strategy to upgrade the Storm Chaser Base Camp is to search for and dismantle structures found at Rebel Outposts scattered throughout the open world.
After strengthening your Camps sufficiently, you can seek out and defeat the NPC Raven. To find Raven’s location, consult with Carl, the lead NPC at the Storm Chaser Base Camp. Raven is a powerful enemy, so equip yourself with Blast Cores in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey or other strong tools to ensure victory. Once you defeat Raven, you will be able to access the Great Storm and locate the Tempest Gateway.
To unlock the Tempest Gateway Portal and enter the Storm King’s realm, you will need to collect 10 Eyes of the Storm. Some of these items drop from Raven after you defeat him, while others can be obtained by defeating various bosses throughout the game. Be sure to explore Storms and Storm Caves to gather Eyes of the Storm, and return to the Gateway once you have the necessary items to open the portal.
Strategies to Conquer the Storm King
Focus on Weak Points and Evade AoE Attacks
Taking on the Storm King resembles facing a raid boss in Pokémon GO; it demands skilled teamwork and strong equipment for success. You’ll face multiple waves of minions, and the Storm King has a repertoire of powerful attacks that can easily wipe out unprepared players. Below are some of the Storm King’s most dangerous actions:
Attack |
Description |
How to Counter |
Storm Laser |
The Storm King shoots a purple energy laser from its mouth, directing it from the ground towards the sky. |
Since the laser travels in a straight line, simply dodge either left or right to avoid it. |
Meteor Shower |
The Storm King raises both hands to summon multiple meteors that explode upon impact with the ground. |
Each meteor reveals its landing zone with a purple aura before it strikes. Stay clear of these areas to prevent damage. |
Aura Slam |
The Storm King brings its fists down to the ground, creating a large area of impact damage. |
Dodge either forward or backward just as the Storm King’s fists connect with the ground. |
Rock Throw |
Grabbing a rock, the Storm King hurls it towards you. |
This rock’s impact area will be indicated in the same way as the Meteor Shower, though with a wider radius you must evade. |
During your battle, you’ll need to aim for the yellow weak points on the Storm King to breach its defenses. The Storm King’s body features several yellow crystals that can be destroyed using powerful weapons, particularly the two prominent Storm Horns atop its head. Once enough weak points are eliminated, the Storm King’s body will become fully exposed, allowing you to inflict damage at any target location.
Occasionally, when you break the Storm King’s weak points, it might topple over, giving you the chance to deal significant melee damage to those areas.
Once all weak points have been destroyed, the Storm King will enter a much more aggressive phase. If there’s a Travel Battle Bus Station near the Storm King’s portal, you can continuously challenge it until you achieve victory. Players who succeed in finding and defeating the Storm King in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey will be rewarded with a chest containing valuable loot, including crucial resources that can aid in future battles against this daunting foe.