Gyarados ex has emerged as a major deck in the current meta following the release of Mythical Island in Pokémon TCG Pocket. This has prompted the development of various counter strategies, as players look for ways to deal with this power hitter. Gyarados ex has a notable weakness: it relies heavily on Magikarp. However, to effectively target Magikarp, players need to leverage specific counters.
The most effective Gyarados ex deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket blends the Gyarados ex evolution line with the Greninja line. The primary strategy is to harness Gyarados ex for significant damage, making it challenging to combat if it’s fully powered up. Yet, if you manage to deploy the right counter, you can target a vulnerable Magikarp before it evolves.
Pokémon TCG Pocket: Best Counter for Gyarados Decks
Strike the Bench Without Exposing Yourself
The most efficient counters against Gyarados ex involve targeting your opponent’s Bench to eliminate Magikarp before it can become a threat. If your opponent plays wisely, they won’t allow Magikarp to remain in the Active Spot without evolving it first, so being prepared with your counter is essential.
The ideal counters should allow you to hit the Bench quickly, and Hitmonlee stands out as a prime option. Hitmonlee is a Basic Pokémon capable of doing 30 damage to a Benched Pokémon for just 1 Energy. This means that, starting from Round 2, if you play second, Hitmonlee can potentially take out a Magikarp on the Bench. However, players need to keep in mind that if your opponent recognizes this threat, they’ll likely focus their efforts elsewhere, possibly on the Greninja line instead.
Adding some depth to your strategy may also be beneficial. By combining Hitmonlee with two other cards:
Sabrina can force your opponent to switch their Pokémon. If they try to protect Magikarp by moving it to the Active Spot, you can use Sabrina to return it to the Bench, where you can then eliminate it.
ADVERTISEMENT - Alternatively, you could bring in Aerodactyl ex, which prevents their Active Pokémon from evolving. If they happen to have a Magikarp in the Active Spot, they may not be able to evolve it fast enough, leaving it open to attack. Or, they may end up stuck with basic Pokémon like Froakie or Frogadier in the active position, which can easily be defeated by Aerodactyl ex.
Other Strategies for Countering Gyarados ex in Pokémon TCG Pocket
There’s a variety of cards that could also serve as counter options. Both Lumineon and Greninja possess attacks that can hit the Bench, giving players the opportunity to inflict damage on Gyarados ex as well. These cards are also Water-types, meaning they could complement your own Magikarp.
Notable Pokémon Able to Hit the Bench:
Pokémon | Type |
Lumineon | Water |
Greninja | Water |
Seadra | Water |
Articuno ex | Water |
Raichu | Electric |
Electabuzz | Electric |
Zebstrika | Electric |
Hitmonlee | Fighting |
Dragonite | Dragon |
Among these options, an Electric-type setup may be particularly effective, featuring cards like Pikachu and Raichu, both of which are strong contenders in this meta. Notably, the Raichu from Mythical Island does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon, which can wipe out multiple Magikarp due to its advantage against Water-types.
You could also utilize cards like Electabuzz or Zebstrika to target the Bench. Although utilizing these cards may require slightly more Energy and setup than the efficient Hitmonlee tactic, they can enhance the overall viability of your deck. Pikachu’s Circle Circuit ability can be a devastating move against many decks, potentially leading to higher victory rates across the board in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
By considering these strategies and counter options, you can effectively navigate the challenges posed by Gyarados ex and enhance your chances of success in matches.