Ultimate Guide to Pokémon Let’s Go Evolution Chart

Pokemon Let's Go Evolution Pokemon Let's Go Evolution

Are you ready to quench your desire to collect and register Pokémon in your Pokédex? Worry not! Our Pokémon Let’s Go Evolution Chart is here to guide you.

Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee includes most of the classic Generation 1 Pokémon: there are about 80 Normal Pokémon, excluding the Alolan forms. If you’ve played any of the earlier Pokémon games by GameFreak, you’re likely aware that evolving a Pokémon involves meeting specific criteria.

These criteria can range from using appropriate Evolution Stones to the more classic leveling-up method. Some Pokémon might also need to be traded with another player to evolve during the exchange. This guide aims to present the complete Evolution chart for Pokémon Let’s Go.

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee Evolution Chart

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Here, you will discover the comprehensive Evolution chart, detailing how to evolve various Pokémon and achieve their Mega Evolutions.

Pokémon Requirement to Evolve Stage 2 Evolution Requirement to Evolve Stage 3 Evolution Mega Stone Name Mega Evolution
Bulbasaur Level 16 Ivysaur Level 32 Venusaur Venusaurite Mega Venusaur
Charmander Level 16 Charmeleon Level 36 Charizard Charizardite X Mega Charizard X
Charmander Level 16 Charmeleon Level 36 Charizard Charizardite Y Mega Charizard Y
Squirtle Level 16 Wartortle Level 36 Blastoise Blastoisinite Mega Blastoise
Caterpie Level 7 Metapod Level 10 Butterfree
Weedle Level 7 Kakuna Level 10 Beedrill Beedrillite Mega Beedrill
Pidgey Level 18 Pidgeotto Level 36 Pidgeot Pidgeotite Mega Pidgeot
Rattata Level 20 Raticate
Spearow Level 20 Fearow
Ekans Level 22 Arbok
Pikachu Thunder Stone Raichu
Sandshrew Level 22 Sandslash
Nidoran (Female) Level 16 Nidorina (Female) Moon Stone Nidoqueen
Nidoran (Male) Level 16 Nidorina (Male) Moon Stone Nidoking
Clefairy Moonstone Clefable
Vulpix Fire Stone Ninetales
Jigglypuff Moonstone Wigglytuff
Zubat Level 22 Golbat Can’t Crobat
Oddish Level 21 Gloom Leaf Stone Vileplume
Paras Level 24 Parasect
Venonat Level 31 Venomoth
Diglett Level 26 Dugtrio
Meowth Level 28 Persian
Psyduck Level 33 Golduck
Mankey Level 28 Primeape
Growlithe Fire Stone Arcanine
Poliwag Level 25 Poliwhirl Water Stone Poliwrath
Abra Level 16 Kadabra Via Trading Alakazam Alakazite Mega Alakazam
Machop Level 28 Machoke Via Trading Machamp
Bellsprout Level 21 Weepinbell Leaf Stone Victreebel
Tentacool Level 30 Tentacruel
Geodude Level 25 Graveler Via Trading Golem
Ponyta Level 40 Rapidash
Slowpoke nil Slowbro Can’t Slowking Slowbronite Mega Slowbro
Magnemite Level 30 Magneton
Doduo Level 31 Dodrio
Seel Level 34 Dewgong
Grimer Level 38 Muk
Shellder Water Stone Cloyster
Gastly Level 25 Haunter Via Trading Gengar Gengarite Mega Gengar
Drowzee Level 26 Hypno
Krabby Level 28 Kingler
Voltorb Level 30 Electrode
Exeggcute Leaf Stone Exeggutor
Cubone nil Marowak
Koffing Level 35 Weezing
Rhyhorn Level 42 Rhydon
Kangaskhan Kangaskhanite Mega Kangaskhan
Horsea Level 32 Seadra
Goldeen Level 33 Seaking
Staryu Water Stone Starmie Can’t No Staraptor lmao
Mr. Mime
Pinsir Pinsirite Mega Pinsir
Magikarp Level 20 Gyarados Gyaradosite Mega Gyarados
Eevee Water Stone Vaporeon
Eevee Electric Stone Jolteon
Eevee Fire Stone Flareon
Kabuto Level 40 Kabutops
Aerodactyl Aerodactylite Mega Aerodactyl
Dratini Level 40 Dragonair Level 58 Dragonite
Mewtwo Mewtwonite X Mega Mewtwo X
Mewtwo Mewtwonite Y Mega Mewtwo Y
Meltan nil Melmetal

When you see ‘Nil’, it indicates that these cannot evolve. You must find their evolved forms either through Pokémon Go or from other NPCs.

Pokémon Let’s Go Alolan Evolution Chart

Pokemon Let's Go Evolution

Below, you will find the evolution chart for all Alolan Pokémon:

Pokémon Requirement to Evolve Stage 2 Evolution Requirement to Evolve Stage 3 Evolution
Pikachu Trade through an NPC Alolan Raichu
Alolan Sandshrew Ice Stone OR Level 22 Alolan Sandslash
Alolan Vulpix Ice Stone Alolan Ninetales
Alolan Diglett Level 26 Alolan Dugtrio
Alolan Meowth Level 28 Alolan Persian
Alolan Geodude Level 25 Alolan Graveler Trade through an NPC Alolan Golem
Alolan Grimer Level 38 Alolan Muk
Exeggcute Trade through an NPC Alolan Exeggutor
Alolan Rattata Level 20 Alolan Raticate
Cubone Trade through an NPC Alolan Marowak

Ultimate Guide to Pokemon Lets Go Evolution Chart

Ali Hasan is a writer at SegmentNext.com with a passion for immersive action RPGs and compelling storylines. His tools of choice are controllers and keyboards.

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