Persona 3 Reload: Strategies for Conquering the Final Boss

Nyx Avatar serves as the ultimate antagonist in Persona 3 Reload if you opt for the True Ending path and spare Ryuji’s life. He manifests on the uppermost level of Tartarus Tower, presenting an excruciating challenge to defeat. Notably, this is the lengthiest boss fight in Persona history, featuring a staggering 14 phases.

The duration of this battle largely hinges on your team’s level and the personas in your possession, potentially extending beyond 30 minutes. Ensure you bring your most effectively fused weapons and equip gear that counters charm, or make use of items that can swiftly neutralize charm effects on your team.

Phase 1 Fool Arcana

persona 3 nyx phase 1

In this initial phase, refrain from using magic or SP. Rely solely on basic attacks, while casting buffs for your party and debuffs on Nyx in Persona 3. During his turns in this phase, he will just smile. Utilize this phase to your maximum advantage.

Phases 2-5 Magician/Priestess/Empress/Emperor Arcana

As you proceed, you will confront these Arcanas as primary bosses. The gameplay remains consistent, with the added element of dyne attacks (which can hit your whole party) complementing the Almighty attack. Adjust and equip your personas accordingly.

In his second phase, Nyx unleashes Fire attacks. Ice follows in the third phase, Wind in the fourth, and Electricity in the fifth. It’s critical to keep all your party members upright, as a downed ally allows Nyx to execute an extra attack. He will also hone in on those with specific weaknesses, so be prepared with buffs, accessories, and items.

Phases 6-7 Hierophant/Lovers Arcana

These phases predominantly feature melee and slash attacks, charm, and panic spells. Nyx can inflict massive damage to any fallen teammate or induce panic if you are inadequately prepared. Avoid employing Strike or Wind attacks during these segments.

Phase 8 Chariot Arcana

In this phase, Nyx becomes immune to all Slash/Strike/Pierce attacks. Instead, he employs a power charge, dealing double strike damage using God Hand. It’s essential to fortify your defenses and heal any fallen party members during your turn to prevent catastrophic damage.

Phase 9 Justice Arcana

This light-based phase offers Nyx heightened defenses against Fire and Ice.

Phase 10 Hermit Arcana

This phase is characterized by attacks based on dark magic and emphasizes defense. Nyx is capable of deflecting assaults and inflicting ailments after augmenting them with foul breath.

Phase 11 Fortune Arcana

This phase represents the most devastating stage of the initial 13. Nyx unleashes all four elemental attacks while being immune to damage from them. You must rely on Slash/Strike/Pierce attacks and bolster all your allies to avoid defeat.

Phase 12 Strength Arcana

In this phase, Nyx employs Slash/Strike/Pierce attacks, allowing you to retaliate with any elemental attacks at your disposal.

Phase 13 Hanged Man Arcana

This phase derives from Dark Magic and fortifies resistance to physical attacks. Utilize elemental attacks for effective damage.

Throughout his turns, he will unleash a variety of dyne magics upon your team and use Almighty attacks whenever available. The first 13 phases test your endurance. Focus on healing and buffing your allies while gradually depleting his health.

Phase 14 Death Arcana

This final phase showcases Nyx’s true form, utilizing all elemental attacks and magic available in the game, including 3 Almighty attacks. His health quadruples compared to prior phases, and he will only absorb half damage from both elemental and physical attacks.

Almighty attacks solely become effective against Nyx during this phase. He employs all dyne attacks and negative magic affecting the entire party. Midway through this phase, Nyx activates Moonless Gown, reflecting all attacks, including Almighty. Use this opportunity to heal and buff your allies, bracing for the challenges to follow.

When Nyx’s health reaches around 1500 or lower, he will commence spamming Night Queen, a potentially catastrophic attack. If your preparation is lacking, it will charm your party members into turning on each other, fully restoring Nyx’s health. Having charm resistance is absolutely crucial.

The concluding phase grants you intervals to retaliate with Almighty attacks amidst the onslaught from Nyx. Persistence and thorough preparation are vital for overcoming this fight. Following the strategies mentioned will allow you to effectively defeat Nyx.

Persona 3 Nyx Avatar Stats and Attacks

Nyx Avatar boasts approximately 25,500 HP—1,500 HP each for the initial 13 phases and 6,000 HP specifically for the Death Arcana phase. Being the ultimate boss of Persona 3 Portable, Nyx is at level 76. He relentlessly unleashes every attack type in the game, including Almighty, against your team.

With each new phase, Nyx transitions between Arcanas, adjusting his offensive and defensive strategies accordingly. While his stats remain constant throughout the first 13 phases, they significantly increase during the final phase.

Stat Phases 1-13 Phase 14
Strength 50 55
Magic 50 55
Endurance 45 55
Agility 45 55
Luck 45 55

Nyx is immune to light and dark magic attacks while being neutral to all elemental damage. Your party can land critical hits for increased damage but cannot perform an All-out attack. The stakes are even higher during the final phase, featuring Moonless Gown and Night Queen attacks that can mean instant ruin for your team.

Best Party Members Against Nyx Avatar

Yukari, Akihiko, Aigis, and MC constitute the optimal team against Nyx. It’s advisable to raise your party members to at least level 80 and equip Yukari and Aigis with “Lightning Gloves to enhance their electric defenses. Yukari excels at healing, Akihiko specializes in decreasing Nyx’s defense, while Aigis is tapped to cast buff charms for the party.

You can concoct several robust personas during the endgame. Among the most effective are Thanatos, Messiah, Norn, Surt, and Metatron. Some of these personas require level 90 for fusion but can greatly shift the fight in your favor.

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