Warframe has launched its latest expansion titled 1999, bringing players into a new chapter of the ongoing narrative. This expansion introduces The Hex, a historical syndicate on a quest to track down the enigmatic Doctor Albrecht Entrati, who has spread the Technocyte virus, turning them into Protoframes.
In this new main story quest, players will navigate the streets of Höllvania, encountering characters like Arthur Nightingale and battling the Scaldra, commanded by Major Neci Rusalka and Viktor Vodyanoi. However, the situation is more complex than it appears, as the Man In The Wall has his own motives.
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! If you wish to avoid spoilers for the latest chapter of Warframe, proceed at your own risk.
Quest Requirements
To access The Hex quest, ensure that you have completed all major story quests, such as The New War, Whispers In The Wall, and the recent mini-quest Lotus Eaters. Once you’re caught up, the new quest will appear in your inbox.
Head to the quest menu in your Orbiter to get started.
The Hex: Part 1 – Find Doctor Entrati
The adventure kicks off as the residents of Höllvania welcome the New Year, only for an atomic bomb to obliterate the city. However, the temporal loop resets it back to December 31. Assuming the role of Arthur, you’ll soon struggle with your own actions as they lead you to type an address into your personal computer. This will direct you to the location of Doctor Entrati.
You will meet members of The Hex: Amir, Aoi, Quincy, Eleanor, and Lettie. Briefly interacting with each member will set the stage for your first mission. After retrieving your Atomicycle keys, a short cutscene will show you riding into the city with your friends. You’ll soon encounter Major Neci Rusalka and the Scaldra faction, culminating in a showdown against a powerful H-04 Efervon Tank.
Quincy will provide a brief tutorial on defeating this tank—target the cables on the sides, zap the vents, and when Scaldra units join the fray, commandeer a Scaldra Rocket Launcher to finish it off. Once its health runs low, approach the tank and interact with it.
In the subway tunnels, you’ll discover a colossal entity akin to Helminth, which will regurgitate a complete Excalibur Warframe. After a brief clash, it becomes clear that the Drifter is controlling the Excalibur (having traveled back in time), and Arthur will subsequently overpower you for interrogation.
The Hex: Part 2
At this point, it’s revealed that Albrecht Entrati is being tortured by Viktor Vodyanoi, Major Rusalka’s second-in-command. She quickly drops her pretense and reveals herself as the Man In The Wall, who has been trailing Albrecht through time. After some mocking, Albrecht remains unimpressed.
Returning to the mall after a brief interrogation, Arthur sees you as no threat, and while his trust in you is lacking, he equips you with basic weapons and an Atomicycle for exploration. Your mission: locate Doctor Entrati. This mission takes the form of an Exterminate challenge, where you must defeat 99 enemies before you reach the room where Entrati was held captive.
Upon reaching the torture chamber, you will encounter the Man In The Wall, who will laugh derisively before vanishing, and you’ll have to start again.
The Hex: Part 3
Back at the mall, frustrations mount among your allies as they search for Entrati. When the city is attacked with Technocyte virus-laden agents, you must team up with Quincy to purify the area. This mission is a 10-minute survival challenge, sending you to various underground locations. After time is up, escape back to the mall.
The Hex: Part 4
Upon returning, you learn that Kalymos has made her way to the mall and intends to take you to a newly established hub—the Mall Backroom. This secret laboratory, created by Albrecht, contains everything you need, allowing you to access your full arsenal of weapons.
In this environment, Kalymos showcases a series of videos left by Entrati, revealing the dark truth regarding the time loop: to escape and leave the Man In The Wall behind, the atomic bomb must go off, ultimately killing each member of The Hex.
You receive a call from Aoi, sharing that they have located the kidnapped Entrati. To rescue him, you must collaborate with her to steal a truck, which leads into a special mission where you destroy enemies with a Scaldra Rocket Launcher while Aoi drives. Naturally, Major Rusalka would not allow such a rescue to go unchecked, and before you can save the Orokin scientist, she crashes into the truck holding Albrecht. After confirming that Entrati is alive beneath the wreckage, it’s revealed that the Man In The Wall is manipulating Rusalka. As the Drifter, you face a choice—to kill an innocent or compel the doctor to do it himself, which he dismisses as naive before making his escape.
The Hex: Part 5
Arthur chooses to have Eleanor connect with the infinite Techrot hivemind lurking beneath the city, and you need to select which Hex member to control for this mission—everyone except Quincy. After a Mobile Defense operation with Eleanor, she will do just that, with Lettie at her side in the subway tunnels. Using her new Techrot minions, Lettie aims to distract the Scaldra, allowing Amir, Arthur, and Aoi to destroy the bomb.
Meanwhile, the Drifter experiences a vision revealing the fates of all Hex members, capped with Albrecht shooting at you. Quincy returns to Höllvania, sacrificing himself so that Aoi, Amir, and Arthur can press forward while he holds back enemies.
In the underground, Lettie faces off against a now-corrupted Eleanor, resulting in both of their deaths. Aoi dies while trying to disarm the atomic bomb, Arthur succumbs to radiation in the core room after battling a Babau Techrot, and Amir is shot in the chest by Albrecht, thus echoing the deaths witnessed in your earlier vision.
Upon your arrival, too late to avert disaster, Albrecht attempts to make peace with you. Defiant about saving the Hex, you get shot in the stomach, falling to the ground. Using your telekinetic abilities, which previously granted you control over the Duviri time loop, you’re propelled back in time once again.
The Hex: Epilogue and Rewards
You awaken in 1999, this time at the dawn of the year on January 6. Entrati seems to have faith in you to rescue the Hex, and you’ll require more time to forge connections. While the major conflict still looms, you’re now tasked with leveling up the Hex syndicate and altering the fates of your new allies.
For your efforts, Loid rewards you with the following items:
- Cyte-09 Blueprint
- Forma x1
- Magnetic Might Mod x1