Pokémon Go revolves around community engagement, encouraging players to join forces for various in-game activities and events. This collaborative spirit is particularly highlighted in the upcoming limited-time event, the Fidough Fetch Event, where players must unite to earn various bonuses and rewards.
The Fidough Fetch Event will run from Friday, January 3, 2025, at 3 PM PST to Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 10 PM PST. Details and tips for this event, including how to catch Pokémon Go’s latest entry, Fidough, are outlined below.
Global Challenges
During this event, there will be Global Challenges that require teamwork within the Pokémon Go community. Players will need to make Nice Throws to contribute toward collective goals. Reaching these targets will unlock various reward levels, providing bonuses and features with each milestone accomplished, including the chance to catch Fidough for the first time.
Here are the reward levels and their associated perks for the Global Challenge:
Global Challenge Rewards |
Reward Level |
Reward(s) |
Level One |
2x XP for catching Pokémon |
Level Two |
2x Stardust for catching Pokémon Unlock event-themed Field Research Tasks Fidough makes its Pokémon Go debut |
Level Three |
2.5x XP for catching Pokémon Unlock additional event-themed Field Research Tasks Hisuian Growlithe and Greavard appearing in the wild |
Level Four |
2.5x Stardust for catching Pokémon |
Level Five |
3x XP for catching Pokémon 3x Stardust for catching Pokémon |
Level Six |
4x XP for catching Pokémon 4x Stardust for catching Pokémon |
After catching Fidough, you can evolve it into Dachsbun using 50 Fidough Candy, which you can collect by catching and transferring Fidough.
Event Bonus
In addition to the Global Challenge rewards, there will be a special bonus during the event. You will have an enhanced chance to encounter Shiny Voltorb and Shiny Electrike in the wild throughout this event period.
Event Wild Encounter Pokémon
During the Fidough Fetch Event, you’ll find six unique Pokémon available to catch in the wild. Make sure to log in and play to encounter and catch any of the following Pokémon:
- Voltorb
- Electrike
- Growlithe
- Snubbull
- Poochyena
- Lillipup
Event Field Research Tasks
During the Fidough Fetch Event, players can also participate in Event Field Research Tasks. You can earn these tasks by visiting and spinning the Photo Discs at various PokéStops to complete specific challenges for rewards in-game.
Completing these field research tasks may provide you with Stardust, Poké Balls, Great Balls, and encounters with event-themed Pokémon.