Assassin’s Creed Odyssey maintains an active community even years after its launch. With many players having completed all available quests, experiencing new stories brings added excitement, and some may even feel inspired to create their own.
This is where Story Creator Mode shines, allowing you to craft quests in the style of Assassin’s Creed. Whether your stories are lighthearted, intricate, or simply meant to amuse players, exploring quest creation is a fantastic option for those who love storytelling.
How to Access the Story Creator Mode
To get started, simply visit Ubisoft’s official site in the Story Creator section. From there, scroll down and click on ‘Create A Story’ to log into your account.
Be sure to use the Ubisoft Account associated with your Assassin’s Creed Odyssey gameplay. For instance, sign in via the PlayStation Network if you’re playing on PlayStation.
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be directed to another page. Click ‘Create New Story’ in the drafts section, and you’ll be taken to the main interface for crafting your stories.
How to Make Stories
The initial step in story creation is to name your story, select a starting location, and provide a brief overview. Then, add a new quest from the left sidebar. After adding your quest, click the three downward dots next to it and select ‘Edit’.
In the quest editing interface, you’ll have access to a variety of blocks and assets that serve as your building components. We recommend beginning with a Quest Starter block, such as a ‘Talk’ block, where you can include a character and introductory dialogue for your quest.
Next, consider using a ‘Sequence’ block to introduce another character and facilitate a conversation. The ‘Choice Hub’ block allows for player decisions, giving them more control over the experience.
Always remember to ‘Validate’ your changes after filling out each block, which means confirming your adjustments. You can connect blocks by dragging the golden circle icons when hovering over them to link them together.
Every quest should include a ‘Quest Success’ block at the end. After connecting a previous block to this completion block, you can return to the story overview menu by clicking on the main story at the top of the screen.
Drag your quest from the left sidebar onto the canvas and link its input node to the story start and output node to the story end once finished. You can then click on ‘Publish’ if you’re satisfied with your story or save it as a draft for later.
Tips and Tricks for the Story Creator
A key tip for using the story creator is to constantly test your drafts by accessing them in-game. You can find your stories in the ‘My Stories’ section of the main menu and play through them.
Additionally, utilize the ‘Assets’ tab in the Story Creator to create and add items to your quests, enhancing the lore and storytelling value. Here are some other suggestions:
- Utilize variables and conditions. For instance, implement boolean checks (if statements) to ensure players complete specific tasks before progressing.
- Assign behaviors to select characters for added depth and narrative logic in your quest.
- Add Visual Presets to dialogue to create different atmospheres, like the Vintage filter for a more nostalgic feel.
- Include a Transaction block to give players items from NPCs.
- Right-click on the canvas and press ‘Save’ to save your work manually.
Consider creating boss battles in your quests by using the ‘Kill’ objective block and incorporating characters like the ‘Order’s Guardian: Protector’, making them ‘Elite’ for increased challenge.
You can also include additional enemies to eliminate as part of your objectives, crafting an exciting wave-based segment in your quest.
If you’d rather explore stories made by others, check out the ‘Discover Story’ tab on the Story Creator website. For any quests that catch your eye, you can add them to your game using the ‘Add to Story Log’ button.
Launch the game and continue/load a save from the main menu. Ensure that your save is beyond Episode 1 and that you’ve reached Megaris to access story creator content.
Open the quest menu and select ‘See Stories’. Your story log quests will be listed at the top, marked on the map for easy access.
You’ll also see other suggested stories listed, allowing you to find new content without always needing to browse the website. This provides an effortless way to keep engaging with community-created stories while enjoying the game.