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Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Oasis at Phoenix Springs

Iris’s quest in Phoenix Springs begins with a simple, yet pressing question: the whereabouts of her brother, Leo Dormer. When she finally tracks him down, she is taken aback by how much older he appears. Leo’s warning to her—advising her against visiting Phoenix Springs—falls on deaf ears, and Iris embarks on her journey regardless. As she navigates this strange world, the unexpected twists and turns that unfold don’t seem to faze her.

Iris wonders if she has ever been to this place before. What could explain Leo’s astonishing age? Despite his cautions, Iris feels compelled to uncover more answers at Phoenix Springs, even if it means encountering more questions than before.

How to Find the Crying One

Upon arriving at 341 Belvedere Heights, Iris finds her brother Leo. Despite his warnings, she continues to Phoenix Springs, traversing odd rock formations in a desert to reach the Oasis. Now, she must locate a figure known as the Crying One.

To begin your search, interact with the stones before moving toward the wooded area known as the Oasis. As you head south through the path lined with trees, you’ll arrive at the Oasis. Here, you will spot a girl seated on a tree stump. From that point, proceed right toward the bridge. Cross the bridge and head right again until you reach the Old Tree.

Next, when you enter the area with the Stretching Man, turn left to get to the River Bank. Aim for the distant red house, where you will find yourself in the Village. Once there, venture left again towards another section of the village, where three cabins await. Enter the cabin adjacent to the kiln to meet the Crying Girl inside.

Select the Crying Girl and initiate a conversation by selecting ‘Talk To.’ Choose ‘Leo Dormer’ from your lead screen, which will present you with three leads: Crying One Name, Crying One Appearance, and Crying One Craft.

As you continue talking with her, focus on ‘Crying One Craft,’ which will unlock the ‘Burnt Instructions’ lead.

How to Find Crying One’s Craft

To locate the Burnt Instructions, exit the Crying Girl’s cabin and go left to find the Broken Bridge in the Village. Head north towards the River Bank. Here, enter the red cabin. Inside, just to the left of the Light-Headed Man, lies a fireplace. Select ‘Burnt Instructions’ from your lead screen and click on the fireplace.

Inside the fireplace, you will discover a note stating ‘Erdnakh.’ This will be added to your leads, prompting the need to decode its meaning. Exit the Light-Headed Man’s cabin and go right towards the Broken Bridge, then proceed to the Kiln in the Village. From the Kiln, head right towards another part of the Village.

Next, navigate north again to reach the River Bank. Move right to the Old Tree. Once at the Stretching Man’s area, go south toward the bridge. From there, turn left to find the girl perched on the tree stump. Make another left to arrive at the clearing where a solitary red cabin resides. Inside, you will encounter a writer at work.

Engage with the writer and begin a conversation. When prompted, select ‘Erdnakh.’ You’ll learn that Erdnakh translates to ‘baked rectangle,’ and this information will be cataloged among your leads. Next step is to return to the area where the Crying Girl is located. Exit the writer’s cabin, head south, then turn right to arrive at the Bridge area.

Then, once again, go right until you reach the area with the Old Tree. After familiarizing yourself with the Stretching Man’s space, navigate left to the River Bank. Click on the distant red cabin to find yourself in the Village. As before, head left to the area with the Crying Girl’s cabin. Here, you’ll notice the kiln placed centrally.

Open your lead screen and select ‘Baked Rectangle’, then click on the kiln. This interaction will provide you with the ‘Bricks’ lead. Afterward, return to the Crying Girl’s cabin to speak with her again, opting for the most recent lead ‘Bricks.’ This will reveal her as a mason and update your leads accordingly.

How to Find Crying One’s Appearance

To gather details about the Crying Girl, exit her cabin and navigate left to the Broken Bridge located in the Village. Engage in conversation with her; she will inquire about her appearance.

When the discussion concludes, head north toward the River Bank. From that point, turn left until you reach the Gate. Then make a left again to approach the Old Tree.

Arriving in an area with two statues, select ‘Mason’ from your lead screen and click on the statue located on the right. This interaction will unlock the ‘Headless Builder’ lead. Progress northward from the statue area until you come across three statues; from there, move right toward the beach.

Here, you’ll encounter the Still Man seated on the beach. Talk to him and choose the ‘Headless Builder’ lead from your lead screen. He will sketch a portrait in the sand, which will appear in your leads as ‘Sand Portrait.’ As night falls, the Still Man will mysteriously swim away. Head south from the beach back to the statues.

Continue south to arrive at another statue area, then make your way further south until reaching the Old Tree. You will glimpse a mysterious ritual taking place. Head right toward the Gate and then approach an area where the Burnt Tree is situated to witness this intriguing ceremony.

How to Find Oasis Again

After this point, all your leads will revert to just the ‘Leo Dormer’ lead. Select it and click on Iris’s head. Iris will find herself returned to 341 Belvedere Heights. Enter the door and head deeper into the house, moving through shadows until you reach the panic room next to the stairs.

Inside, Iris converses with Leo Dormer again, and the earlier events replay. Ignoring Leo’s plea, she decides to take the train to Phoenix Springs once more, which retrieves the Phoenix Springs lead. Use the train door to exit and enter the desert.

Upon disembarking the train, move right three times. Observe the stone formations that resemble ‘1-0-1’ in the background. Select ‘Phoenix Springs’ from your lead screen and click on these rocks.

How to Find the Burnt Tree Again

To revisit the last ritual around the Burnt Tree, begin your journey toward the Oasis. Once there, navigate through the Green Tree corridor again, going south toward the Oasis. When you reach the Stretching Man’s area, turn right to cross the bridge, continuing right until you arrive at the Old Tree.

From this point, turn left to the River Bank. Click on the distant red cabin to enter the Village. Move left to find the area with the kiln, then go left again to reach the Broken Bridge. Head north from the Broken Bridge to find yourself at the River Bank. From there, proceed left to reach the Gate.

Enter through the red doors to access the area surrounding the Burnt Tree. Approach the tree and select Baker, then perform the ‘Talk To’ action to descend into the underground via the elevator.

In this way, you will connect the various pieces of the puzzle and continue your quest to uncover the mysteries of Phoenix Springs.

  • Emily is a digital marketer in Austin, Texas. She enjoys gaming, playing guitar, and dreams of traveling to Japan with her golden retriever, Max.

Emily Smith

Emily is a digital marketer in Austin, Texas. She enjoys gaming, playing guitar, and dreams of traveling to Japan with her golden retriever, Max.

Published by
Emily Smith