Atomfall can be finished at your own pace, whether you rush through it or take time to discover every corner of the Quarantine Zone. For dedicated players, there are numerous Achievements and Trophies to earn.
The game rewards your thoroughness in exploration and your boldness in combat. Additionally, there are incentives for uncovering all possible endings. This guide details the requirements for each achievement, along with strategies to help you complete your collection and unravel the mystery of the Windscale Power Plant.
Exploration Achievements / Trophies
You earn these achievements by discovering hidden treasures and collectibles throughout the Quarantine Zone, including vital upgrades for your journey.
Award | Requirement | Tip(s) |
Detectorist | Acquire the Metal Detector. | You can buy it or find it from Reg Stansfield. |
Where There’s Muck There’s Brass | Locate 10 caches using the Metal Detector. | The Metal Detector beeps when a cache is close, even if it’s not equipped. |
Packed Lunch | Find 5 Lunchboxes with the Metal Detector. | Refer to our Lunchbox Location Guide for coordinates. |
Reverse The Polarity | Obtain the Signal Redirector. | It’s located in either Skethermoor Prison or the Protocol Field Station. |
Burglar | Unlock 5 doors using the Signal Redirector. | The junction box must specifically activate a door lock to count towards this achievement. |
High Tea | Consume an English Tea, Slice of Cake, and Cornish Pastry within 30 seconds. | Cake and Pastries can be bought from Iris at the Wyndham Village Bakery or found in Druids’ Castle. |
Mate’s Rates | Talk to five different Traders. | Check our Trading Guide for Trader locations. |
We Want Information | Find 50 Notes. | Notes are scattered, especially in bunkers, ruined buildings, and the Interchange. |
Avid Collector | Collect 10 Comic Books. | Search through ruined buildings and bunkers across the Zone. |
Orna Mental | Destroy 10 Garden Gnomes. | All Garden Gnomes are in Wydham Village, but attacking them in view of soldiers or villagers can lead to problems, so be cautious and avoid shooting them. |
Homemade | Learn 10 crafting recipes. | Refer to our Crafting Guide for the locations of every recipe. |
Make Do And Mend | Upgrade a gun to Pristine tier. | See our Firearms Upgrade Guide. |
Refer To Manual | Learn 12 different Skills. | Most Training Stimulants are found in secure locations. You can achieve this award by learning all initial Skills without any Skill Manuals. |
Radiophonic | Find 5 Audio Logs. | Audio Logs are mostly located in the deeper sections of the Interchange, such as Medical. |
Combat Achievements / Trophies
These awards are given for completing impressive feats during battles in Atomfall. Many of these challenges are quite risky, so it may be wise to save your game beforehand, as several attempts may be necessary.
Award | Requirement | Tip(s) |
Unplugged | Disable a robot by removing its battery. | Different robot types require varied methods to cause them to overheat. |
Batteries Not Included | Power a robot back on by replacing its battery. | You can do this with any previously disabled robot, provided you have an Atomic Battery. Keep in mind it will start attacking you again immediately. |
Any Old Iron | Completely destroy a robot. | Aim for the robot’s battery while it’s venting heat instead of extracting it. This creates a massive explosion. |
Fast Bowl | Achieve 10 kills with thrown melee weapons. | Boost your throwables’ damage with Skills before trying this, and have a couple of knives ready to toss at unsuspecting enemies. |
Caught Red-Handed | Make an enemy drop a lit Molotov Cocktail. | Wait for an enemy to light it and then shoot them. Outlaws are likely to carry Molotovs, making Slatten Dale a good location for this. |
Grand Slam | Defeat 5 enemies with a single explosion. | Throw a grenade into a group of enemies who haven’t noticed you yet, or lure a large number into one spot and then detonate a bomb. Opt for foes like Outlaws and Druids, who are less armed. |
Hit For Six | Knock an enemy’s grenade away with a cricket bat. | The bat has a prolonged windup. Striking the grenade before it goes off counts, even if it’s on the ground. |
Target Practice | Kill 6 enemies with a Mk.6 Revolver without reloading. | Fully upgrade the Revolver and learn the Firearms Handling Skill for optimal accuracy. Focus on headshots when attempting this in Casterfell Woods, where Druids are less armored. You can stun them with a melee kick before shooting. |
Story Achievements / Trophies
These achievements are gained by advancing through and finishing the main story. There are different routes available for escaping the Zone!
Award | Requirement | Tip(s) |
The Interchange | Unlock any entrance to the Interchange. | Entrances exist in Slatten Dale, Wyndham Village, Casterfell Woods, and Skethermoor. Slatten Dale and Casterfell are guard-free, Wyndham Village has a small guard station, while Skethermoor’s entrance is heavily protected. |
Alpha | Activate Data Store Alpha. | You can activate all four Interchange Data Stores from inside the Interchange by accessing the lower area, or it may be safer to approach each entrance from the outside. |
Bravo | Activate Data Store Bravo. | All Data Stores require an Atomic Battery to be activated. |
Charlie | Activate Data Store Charlie. | Molly and Billy both offer Atomic Batteries in exchange. |
Delta | Activate Data Store Delta. | You can take Batteries from the robots in the lower Interchange, but this is a risky move. |
Oberon | Gain access to the Oberon Site. | Once all Data Stores are active, use the Signal Redirector on the junction boxes in Central Processing to power the main terminal. |
Quick Exit | Finish the game in under 5 hours. | Answer the first phone call, quickly gather batteries, then head straight for the Interchange to defeat Oberon and return to Bunker L8. |
Not Expecting A Call | Complete the game without answering any phones. | Just ignore the ringing phones. |
Do You Require The Operator? | Receive The Voice On The Telephone’s Ending. | Follow the Voice’s instructions precisely and ignore other allies. |
Emergency Extraction | Achieve Joyce Tanner’s Ending. | Meet Joyce in Data Store Charlie after powering it up and follow her requests. |
Back Door | Obtain Doctor Garrow’s Ending. | Rescue Doctor Garrow from Skethermoor Prison, then meet her in Interchange Central Processing. Follow her directions but do not disclose her location to Doctor Holder to prevent her death. |
At One With The Soil | Get Mother Jago’s Ending. | Retrieve Mother Jago’s Book and leave her Offering in the Speaking Cave to learn about the Growth Serum. Give the Serum to Oberon instead of killing it. |
Operation Atomfall | Secure Captain Sims’ Ending. | Assist Captain Sims in managing the villagers until he trusts you enough to reveal his plans. Do not rescue Doctor Garrow or you’ll be labeled a traitor. |
Oubliette | Acquire Doctor Holder’s Ending. | Meet Doctor Holder in the Church Cellar and assist him in creating and deploying Modified Sample One. |