“The Serpent’s Chest” is an intriguing Mystery in Indiana Jones & The Great Circle that offers fantastic rewards. Completing this side quest involves several steps. Mysteries in this game resemble treasure hunts, puzzles, or tasks you encounter while journeying through various locations worldwide. The plot of the Serpent’s Chest revolves around uncovering ancient keys crucial for unlocking a box that holds secrets from a forgotten era.
If you’re having difficulty finding “The Serpent’s Chest”, you’ll want to investigate this Mystery in Indiana Jones & TGC when you reach Sukhothai, a region that unlocks later in the game’s narrative. Explore Sukhothai Village and its surroundings to quickly discover the Mystery. Fortunately, the Serpent’s Chest is relatively easy to find once you arrive in this area.
How to Begin the Serpent’s Chest Mystery
Infiltrate the Right Area
Upon arriving in Sukhothai Village, make your way to the Wat Chana Songkhram fast travel point to initiate your search for the Serpent’s Chest. Head west to uncover Voss’ Camp, a location teeming with foes you may need to sneak by. Aim to secure the Royal Army Uniform within this camp; doing so will allow Indiana to blend in with the soldiers without raising any alarms.
You might already have a primary quest objective linked to visiting Voss’ Camp during your time in Sukhothai Village. This mission, titled “The Voss’ Gold Stash” Field Network, will help you gather enough funds to purchase the Rebreather in Indiana Jones & TGC. This device allows you to breathe underwater, opening up new areas, including some vital ones for solving the Serpent’s Chest Mystery.
Before you enter Voss’ Camp, you must find a way in by climbing under a wall that blocks access to this section of Sukhothai.
To the southwest of the Camp, you’ll find a green tent after vaulting over a crumbled wall. Inside, you’ll discover the Serpent’s Chest, a simple-looking container adorned with a snake design on its lid. Next to the Chest, you can read a letter to initiate the Mystery and understand what needs to be done to unlock the Chest.
How to Solve the Serpent’s Chest Mystery
Find Three Ancient Keys
Upon locating the Serpent’s Chest, you’ll notice that it features three locks that require individual keys. According to Voss’ Letter, this Chest was unearthed at a dig site in Gizeh, another area filled with numerous side quests in Indiana Jones & TGC. After conducting some research, Voss learned that the Chest can only be opened with three ancient keys, which are situated in:
- The Vatican
- Gizeh
- Shanghai
The Letter provides hints about where each key can be found in their respective regions. However, you’ll need to visit each location to find them. Revisiting past areas can extend the time it takes to complete this particular Mystery.
Locating the Vatican Ancient Key
The Ancient Key hidden in The Vatican can be found at the Excavation Site, accessible via the Apostolic Palace. Both areas are restricted, so proceed cautiously. Upon arrival at the excavation, descend the ladders until you reach the primary dig site underground.
The Apostolic Palace is home to the “Snake in the Garden” Mystery, which you can complete while on your quest for the Ancient Key to the Serpent’s Chest.
At the dig site, veer to the right past the main pillars to venture deeper into an underground path. Continue until you arrive at a partially flooded chamber where you can swim using the Rebreather. Navigate through this pool to uncover a hidden underwater passage obstructed by a large log blocking a gate into another secret area.
Remove the log and swim upward to access a secluded pottery room. The ancient key awaits inside a human skull positioned beneath the largest pot in the center of the room, surrounded by several broken pots.
Locating the Gizeh Ancient Key
The Gizeh Ancient Key is found at the Khentkawes Excavation, accessible through fast travel. Unlike the Vatican dig site, this area is considerable, requiring you to head towards its central pit while searching for the key. Before taking the elevator down to the main site, pass by the rightmost entrance near the generator, then take a right turn to proceed up through the excavation area.
Once you ascend the stairs, quickly turn left to enter a water-filled room similar to the one in the Vatican. Use Indiana’s whip to traverse this space, continuing right through the supporting structures until you find yourself on a small platform above patrolling guards. Before you reach two crates, you’ll notice another path leading off to your right.
At this junction, take the first right, leading to a pool of water mostly obscured by rocks. By utilizing the Rebreather, you can swim through and remove a log blocking a hole in the far wall. Passing through reveals a small room where the Ancient Key rests atop a mound of sand.
Locating the Shanghai Ancient Key
Shanghai is one of the smaller regions in Indiana Jones & TGC, making the hunt for the Ancient Key more straightforward. Upon revisiting this location, you’ll begin on the rooftops where Indiana and Gina previously stole a plane. Follow the same path as before, jumping across roofs until you reach an area near the river.
Make the leap into the river, ensuring you don’t jump from too high to avoid fall damage. Swim to the river’s edge and dive underwater, using the Rebreather to explore. You’ll encounter yet another log obstructing your path; remove it to continue.
No enemies to dodge await you in Shanghai, but be cautious of your jump into the river to avoid taking damage.
Moving through the opening will soon lead you to a space where you can surface for air. The Ancient Key lies among the rubble in this small area, giving you the final piece you need to unlock the Serpent’s Chest. Simply return to Sukhothai and Voss’ Camp to open the treasure, earning you:
- Ancient Relic (Item) – 180 Adventure Points
- 250 Adventure Points
After claiming these Adventure Points, Indiana will add the Ancient Relic to his collection, which may eventually be displayed in a museum. This also marks the conclusion of “The Serpent’s Chest” Mystery, completing one of the most extended quests available in Indiana Jones & The Great Circle.